Monday, July 04, 2005

A closet chopper guy...

So, you may not know this about me, but I would love to drive one of these. I am totally a chopper guy. No sissy suzuki, or horrendous honda for me. I even think harley's are horrible. But not this bike. This bike is called "Chignon", and was fabricated by Matt Hotch. It has a springer softail rear end with a hydraulic lift that raises the frame off the ground. It's sick! I could totally see myself cruising down the highway on this bad boy. So, what do you think? Is it me?
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dashadra said...

Sweet bike! I wonder if they have any shows on TV that show you how they make these type of bikes???? Hummmm....

C. A. McKinney said...

Why Dashadra, It just so happens that they do have a couple of TV shows that show you how these bikes are made.