Monday, December 12, 2005

The Prayer Chair...

Hello all,

Well, I am a little bored, and somebody reminded me of one of my favorite things in all of the world, so I thought I would blog about it. You see this is the Prayer Chair. It is a wonderful chair, comfy, broken in (way broken in considering I am about the 43rd owner of said chair.), just the right size, etc. I love it.

Not only is the Prayer Chair comfortable, but it is where I do most of my praying. I sit in the chair, and talk to the Lord. The chair is special to me because of that as well.

My friends make fun of the Prayer Chair because it is so old, and honestly rickety. They also accuse me of sleeping in the prayer chair instead of praying. Blasphemers they are! They also have defamed the Prayer Chair at times. (You know who you are, NL, and shame on you!)

But even though my friends make fun of my Prayer Chair, and defame it; I love it, and will keep it until May when I move out. Then I will pass it on to a worthy individual, as it was passed on to me.


Thomas Winborn said...

#1 - Where are you going in May and why?

#2 - Defamed the prayer chair? Our little defamations are nothing compared to yours my friend. And...we pretty much ONLY make fun of the "prayer chair" because it could just as easily be known as the "nappy time chair"...admit it! :-)

geo said...

Haha.. you guys leave Chris alone. That IS his prayer chair. He DOES love that chair. It is old.... it is broken in..... and it is unique.... but it's still HIS. Shame on all of you for making fun of him.

The rest of us just need to understand that Chris just happens to pray differently than the rest of us----with his head tilted back, eyes closed, arms spread apart and laid on the arms of the chair (palms up), scantily clothed, crumbs on his shirt, and making a soft but constant snoring noise from deep in his throat with the slightest amount of drool running down his cheek.

THE PRAYER CHAIR-----and I'm the King of England.

-got nothing but love for ya C