Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Whatever happened to grit and gumption..

I despise weakness. I despise weak kneed, wishy washy, people as well. But what I hate the most is a leader who has a weak stomach. I find it deplorable that our nation is led by people who don't have enough grit to see something to the end. They care more for their own power plays, and pork barrell projects than they do for our fighting men, and for the tired, poor, and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Do you realize that we used to be a nation of men and women that fought for truth and justice. We had leaders, yea I say Statesmen, like FDR, Churchill, and Richard B. Russell who knew the great responsibility freedom brings, and lived up to that responsibilty. They passed laws to protect and serve mankind, as well as; promoted liberty and justice around the world. We were a nation that refused to let a Kaiser, or the Reich, or Communist dictatorships rule because we knew freedom was something worth fighting for. At one time we understood that anything worth having was going to cost you something, and that it might cost dearly. Now we are so weak that we are not willing to sacrifice anything for the millions that are subject to tyranny. We lift weak hands and offer paltry gifts to those in need of our help.

I know the true reason for this week kneed behavior. This lack of backbone is of course the influence of sin in people's lives. People lack the grit to carry on because they lack in faith in God. They lack faith in God because they have never met him, and choose to rail against him. We refuse to give freely because we are so selfish, and demand our own rights and well being. It all makes me long for the second coming, when there will be one who rules with justice and might, one who makes all things right, and does so with power and majesty. Maranantha!


Anonymous said...

Obviously spoken from the heart young man--see about reloading your picture. I am interested to see what you matched your vehemence to visually.

dashadra said...

who is graduating in FOUR DAYS????