Monday, July 25, 2005

My Bible Hero... (apart from Jesus)

You all have your favorite people written about in the Bible. Some people identify with Peter because of the loving way he was restored and forgiven. Some people identify with Paul because they were saved in a radical manner as he was. Still others love Joshua because they know the worry and nervousness of stepping into leadership. Well, I love Tychicus. You might be saying, Tychi-who? Well, one of my friends (Big D) introduced me to Tychicus, and from that day I have looked to him as an example of who I can, and want to be in Christ. Take a little walk with me through the scriptures to find out about this great man of the faith.

Acts 20:4-6: This is the first time we meet Tychicus. He is a Greek man from somewhere in Asia. This is all we know about him. A know-nothing man from an insignificant place. Yet he was counted as a disciple, a believer and follower of Jesus Christ; with Paul. Many of us are that way. Who ever heard of Athens, AL; Fredericksburg, VA; Blacksburg, VA; Chattanooga, TN; or Gainesville, GA? Not a one of you who reads this blog was a well known individual when you came to know Christ. But we are counted as disciples now. Also, you will notice that Tychicus was trusted to go secure a place for Paul to stay, and he did. I want to be counted as trustworthy, how about you?

Ephesians 6:21-22: Here we read about Tychicus, Paul's beloved brother and faithful helper in the Lord's work. Paul trusted Tychicus to tell the Ephesian church about how he was doing in prison, and to encourage them when they heard the news. Not only that, but Tychicus was considered trustworthy by God to deliver this letter, and thereby preserve his holy word for us. How about you? Are you a trusted servant, a faithful helper in the Lord, and trustworthy to carry God's word?

Titus 3:12: Tychicus is on Paul's short list to be the Pastor of the Worst Baptist Church of Crete. Earlier in the chapter we read about how the church in Crete was full of liars, and lazy people. Yet, when Paul sought to replace Titus at this horrible church, he thought of Tychicus. He knew Tychicus fulfilled all the requirements of a Pastor (Titus 1:5-16), and was tough enough to handle this church. O' how I pray that I would be that way. And how about you?

Colossians 4:7-9: Again we read about the the beloved brother, encourager, again trusted to relay news and carry scripture. But there is an interesting phrase in verse 9:"I am also sending Onesimus." That should raise a red flag. Onesimus, the runaway slave of Philemon, was witnessed to by Paul in Rome. Tychicus is going to Colossae, Philemon's home, to deliver not just the letter to the Colossians, but also the letter to Philemon. Paul knew that Onesimus' return home might be volatile, so he sent Tychicus. O' to be remembered as a man that could diffuse tense situations with the love of Christ. How about you? Could you be remembered that way?

2Timothy 4:9-13: Here we read Paul's last letter. He knows he is to lose his life, and is writing Timothy some last minute instructions, and asking for his friend to come visit. Most of Paul's friends have deserted him, only Luke is left. But again, there is an interesting phrase in verse 12. It reads: I sent Tychichus to Ephesus. You see Tychicus did not run out on Paul like Demas or Crescens. No, Paul sent him away. You see Tychicus was evidently there for the long haul, but Paul had a mission to be taken care of, and Tychicus could do it. I want to be known as the man that sticks with people throuth their tough times, and only leaves because you need something important done. How about you? Are you willing to stick with people and even more, with God, in hard times? Do you have what it takes to be that kind of person?

You know, Tychicus was a nobody; nothing special about him. Most of you had never heard of him before this post. But he was a disciple. He had come to know Christ Jesus, and Jesus did great things through him. Jesus made him a man of character. Jesus made him trustworthy. Jesus made him loving. Jesus made him tough. Jesus made him an encourager. Jesus made him compassionate.... Jesus made him. Will you allow Jesus to do the same in you. We are know-nothing people from out of the way places, but Jesus can do great things with that! O' please let him continue doing his work in you. I want to rejoice one day in hearing Jesus say that I was full of the characteristics Tychicus had. I want you to hear it from the Savior's mouth too!

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


Ginny said...

Awesome post, Chris! Thanks.

dashadra said...

You preach it well, you preach it well