Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Stone Mountain...

Our first natural wonder(with man made subtractions) is Stone Mountain. Stone Mountain is the world's largest granite outcropping. It was formed when the soil surrounding the granite was washed away. In the mid 1900's Gutsom Borglum was commissioned to carve the relief into the side of Stone Mountain. It features Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis riding their horses . Those carvings may look small in the picture, but you could actually sleep six men that are six feet tall on Robert E. Lee's nose. While the men were carving out the images, they actually refused to go back down in the evening and did sleep on Lee's nose.

I spent many a summer night watching the laser show that is cast upon Stone Mountain. The fireworks show that is held there on the 4th of July is second to none.

1 comment:

dashadra said...

I love this place but it is very scary on top!!