Thursday, August 03, 2006

Five things about me...

I got tagged by Bonnie, so here I go!

Five Things in My Freezer
1. Ice (on the sides, not in a tray)
2. an Ice pack (Bonnie's)
3. My freezer is about 6" by 4"
4. My whole refridgerator only has 5 items in it.

Five Things in My Closet
1. Clothes
2. dirty clothes
3. febreeze for the dirty clothes
4. clothes so dirty febreeze won't work anymore
5. cowboy hat

Five Things in My Car
1. Books
2. towels
3. Boots
4. tools
5. lots of trash

Five Things in My Purse (I don't have a purse, so I am going with my wallet)
1. Driver's license from the great state of Georgia!
2. Credit cards
3. Blockbuster Card/various other membership cards (I'm popular, all the best clubs want me on their list!)
4. Southwestern "Gold Card" (I am sure it is the mark of the beast)
5. Calling Card

I tag Geo and Nathan (Nathan, I know you peruse my blog and never comment. Now, you must. If you don't, I'm going to out you to the whole world about your favorite thing to order at Julie's Fresh Kitchen!)


dashadra said...

very nice, it made me laugh outloud.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, out me.


geo said...


p.s. -- out nathan. that's a funny story that the world needs to hear.

dashadra said...

Yes please "out Nathan", we all want to hear!!!

Sher said...

I think I have actually heard the "out nathan" story from Thomas...Or something similar...