Friday, July 14, 2006

I felt like a little kid...

I have been house-sitting for a family down in Crowley. They have a beautiful home, and everything is quiet there and peaceful. There are no trains going by 6 times a night. There are no people shooting outside your window, and no traffic speeding by 24 hours a day. But that was not the real reason I had such a wonderful time. The real reason I had such a wonderful time house-sitting was that the people whose house I was sitting, had a pool! It was a beautiful, crystal blue pool. It was cool, and refreshing to lounge in. And lounge in it I did! I went swimming everyday! I was a pool fiend. You probably don't care, but I was excited.
(I spared all of you the torture of seeing me in the pool, so I used the stock photo above.)


dashadra said...

I was able to enjoy the pool too, yay!! It was very beautiful and Chris did a great job cleaning it yesterday. The only bad thing about having a pool is that your hair and eventually all of your towels start to smell like chlorine. I have had two showers since last night and my hair still smells like it! It was worth it though!!

Anonymous said...

birthday suit or bathing suit???