Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Norm that norms all other norms*...

Today, I was reading another in a long list of Dr. Mohler's articles on the renaming of God issue. (See this)

In this article, Mohler hits the nail on the head: We have no right to rename God. What is happening here is that there are some who wish to give God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit new names which help people understand who they are. (In fact, these people wish to give names to God that promote their own theological construct (a seriously flawed one I might add.). These constructs promote the acceptance of homosexuality as norm, and the acceptance of women as head shepherds, and a long list of other Biblically incorrect ideas. The issue boils down to this, who holds the power of meaning, who has the right to say what a text means. Those who wish to rename God claim for themselves the right to force meaning onto the text (in this case the Word of God). They say: "I can impose what I believe this text to mean, no matter what the author clearly states. I have more knowledge, and I have evolved so that I know your thoughts better than you do author!" Whereas, in reality, the power of meaning lies completely in the hands of the one who writes the text (in this case God, & the inspired author). The problem that those who wish to rename God have, is that they are their own gods, and wish to form YHWH into a "god" which they can control. May this episode teach us and show us the need to remember that the Bible, God's Word; is our norm. It forms our thinking, our thinking does not form it! The Bible is the norm that norms all other norms!

*Taken from Dr. Mohler's presentations at ETS Southwest regional meeting 2006.

1 comment:

dashadra said...

good post, keep 'em coming