Monday, October 10, 2005

Willard's winners...

Hey Gang, I was talking to my cousin Willard this morning about college football. Willard is a nut for it. Come to think of it Willard is just a nut. But anyway, Willard reads my blog from time to time, and saw my picks for what will happen the rest of this football season. Willard wants to get a blog started himself so that he can tell the world what he thinks about college football. But Willard lives back in the woods, and doesn't have a phone. It is only every now and again that he goes to the thriving metropolis of Ellaville (pop 202) and uses the phone at the gas station to call me and check up on me. He goes to my Aunt's house and checks "that internet" for my blog too. Well, during our last conversation Willard told me that he wanted to put his college football prognostications on the internet for everybody to see. You see, Willard wants to be the next Leonard Postosties, so he asked me to put them on my blog.

So, to keep my cousin Willard happy; Here we go:
Florida St v. Virginia= Willard's Winner Florida St.
Alabama v. Ole Miss= Willard's Winner Alabama
Kansas St v. Texas Tech= Willard's Winner Texas Tech
Michigan St v. Ohio St= Willard's Winner in a donnybrook Michigan st.
Wisconsin v. Minnesota= Willard's Winner anybody who does not have to watch this game
OK St v. TAMU= Willard's Winner OK St
That Name of which we do not speak from Gainesville, Fla. v. LSU= I hate them danged ol' over-grown lizards Willard's Winner and second favorite team of the day... LSU
Colorado v. Texas= Willard's Winner Texas
USC v. Notre Dame= Willard's Winner in a whale of a game USC
Louisville v. West Virginia= Willard's Winner West Virginia
Auburn v. Arkansas= Willard's Winner Auburn
and finally
Georgia v. Vanderbuilt= Though the Nashville Navy is riding high on the seas this year, they just don't have enough fire power to keep those Junk Yard DAWGS at bay. Coach Richt and his red and black attack will bite a big chunk out of Vanderbuilt's frigate, and send is sinking to the bottom. Willard's Winner... Georgia... Go DAWGS.

Well there you have it folks, My cousin Willard's first public prognostications on the web. Check back next week to see how he did, and to see what he thinks of your team.


dashadra said...

Well I am glad ole' Willard knows what is good for him because he picked Auburn. Way to go Willard!

Ginny said...

Willard sounds like a hoot-and-a-half. Is he single?!?

C. A. McKinney said...

Ginny, Willard had an accident involving a weed eater and a live chicken when he was a kid. There is a reason he lives in the woods by himself.

P.S. I hope he doesn't read this. He'll be mad.

Ginny said...

He's even MORE intriguing now!

C. A. McKinney said...

Laughing out Loud...Ginny McKinney you are a hoot!