Thursday, February 02, 2006

Seminary Favorites...

Hey all,

I am getting a little closer to graduation (finish coursework in June, walk in December), so I have been reminiscing over the last couple of days. I think that I am going to put together a series of posts on some of my seminary favorites.

Today's Topic: Favorite Seminary classes=

3. Pastoral Ministry, with Larry Ashlock. I learned that a professor with a heart for his students, and a heart for his parishioners can teach you the sacrifice it takes to be a good minister. I learned h0w much prayer it takes to be a pastor, and how much utter brokennes before God is needed to lead a flock.

2. The Bible and Moral Issues, with Craig Mitchell. I had sort of an epiphany in this class. From Mitchell's lectures on the history of philosophical though I learned why people think as they do, and how to recognize bias in the works they produce. This has been extremely valuable in the reading that I have been doing. Also, Dr. Mitchell made me think about how I was going to perform my ministry. I had to decide: Was I going to be influence by the world, and get along; or Was I going to stick by God's word no matter what it cost me? I also learned the importance of researching the Biblical basis for how to react in regards to certain topics, and how to defend my beliefs with love, but to also stick fast to my beliefs. I also learned how to correct your heretical brothers without burning them at the stake.

1. Theological Hermenuetics, with Scott Swain. This class single handedly changed the way I read the Bible. Before this class, I fell into the Historical Critical camp of Hermenuetics. Now, I read the Bible with that it will explain itself, and that its themes will teach me what I need to know.

(As I wrote this post I realized that I loved so many of my seminary classes, that I feel like I am leaving out some of the great ones. I also loved all 4 classes I had with Dr. Crutchley, my preaching classes with Dr. Pearson, and the Systematic Theology classes I had with Drs. Yarnell & Swain. God has been good to me here.)

So, what about all of you; my seminary friends? Who were your favorites? Post it on your blog, or give me a shout on mine. Let me hear from you.


geo said...

Wow, great post (seriously). I started leaving some comments about my favorite profs and my response got so long I've decided to just blog about it on my own site. Check it out. Let me hear from you.

geo said...

You've inspired me. Stay tuned for some fun swbts memories updates on my blog in the next couple days.

dashadra said...

Ok, lets see...

#3 Leadership for the Christian Ministry taught by Dr. Larry Ashlock....Dr. Ashlock is a wonderful man with such a big heart for the Lord and the church. I learne so much about how to prioritize in ministry when everyone is trying to get a little piece of your time.

#2 Abnormal Psychology by Dr. Dana Wicker....this one I just had last semester and it was the only class that I took, so I think I liked it so much because I had a lot of time to spend concentrating on this one subject. I learned a lot about how there is a whole world out there of hurting people that need help from the Lord and that maybe there is a way that I can help them with His help.

#1 Pre-marital and marital counseling by Dr. Scott Floyd....hands down the best class I have taken thus far. I love this professor, his heart for the hurting overflows to everyone he comes in contact with. It doesnt hurt either that I agree with his style of counseling and that I desire to counsel in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy and that is his specialty.

hope this is what you were asking for!

Ginny said...

I have so many great memories of Southwestern. You're in a lot of them, McKinney! One day I'll do a post of my own. You know, when I finally graduate at the age of 87. Until then, Habibi...!