Thursday, May 11, 2006

My new crush...

I have bored you all by talking, ad nauseum; about how I want a motorcycle. I still do want one, and can really see myself speeding around on one. I am not one of those bike only guys though. I am inspired by other gas monsters as well.

This is a 63' Impala convertible, my new crush. It looks like it has hydraulic lifts in it, which lift the body up and down over the axles. That would be awesome. I could so, see myself cruising down the street in this with the music blaring. I would love to get the four door version of this behemoth, and trick it out. My future son, should God bless me with one, is going to so love his dad; because Daddy wants to give him a car like this. I want to be the Dad that lets his son drive a car like this to the prom, or drives his little princess around the football field in it at homecoming.

Sorry about the proliferation of posts, but when I get in the mood to blog, I blog.


geo said...

Did you just put up a picture of a guy with a title right above him that says "my new crush" ??? Come on man, make it a little bit of a challenge here. Don't make it so easy.

Robino said...

Dude, I so have a model of this car (well I don't think mine is a convertible) but I never got past making the engine. And yes, I am a big nerd.