Geo had this on his blog, so I stole it. So, what you do is this: you find the last 15 people to respond on your blog, then you answer the given questions about them. Here are my last 15 commentators, and the questions I answered about them.
Sarah B.
Geo 7.
Ginny Mc8.
Kristen H.
Sherri Ann10.
Holly 15.
Ben C.
1.Have you ever kissed #4? . May it never be so. (Madison you are a nice guy, but a guy none the less, so no nookie for you!)
2.What's the best memory you have of #10? Hanging out @ halfway Humps eating supper and talking
3.Why are you friends with #9? . Sherri Ann has a bubbly personality. We met through Thomas.
4.When's the next time you're gonna see #6? Good Question, Geo when are we getting together?
5.What does #12 love most in the world? Jesus, Her Hubby Lew, and those fake bullpups from Mississippi.
6.Tell something juicy about number #15: Ben has gotten himself chin deep in the current debate about whether or not missionaries may have a prayer language, and by whom their baptism must be administered.
See this.
7.What impresses you about #1? Bonnie loves me so well. Bonnie never gets mad at me, though she should. She loves me as close to the way Jesusloves as does as anyone I have ever met. Bonnie loves to sing praises to the Lord. And if I may say so, she is just flat out hottastic!
8.What do you like about #8? Kristen loves God and it shows. You can see that she is a Christian in the way she walks and talks. She has a great heart.
9.What's your favorite memory of #2? Unfortunately Robin and I are not close friends, but I have always admired Robin's intelligence, and the book report/book critique outline that she created. It is a great rubric for grading papers. It allows the writer to know what the professor is looking for. (I got a C on the only paper graded under that rubric, So Robin, I am a little upset. Just Joking!)
10.What was your first impression of #7? Who is this hilariously funny girl? I though she was cheeky
11.How did you meet #3? I met Garrett at SWBTS. He lived down the hall from me. He was one of the few guys outside of Cell Block C that would respond to you if you said hello.
12.Do you think #13 could kill someone? In about 20 years I could see Thomas righteously burning heretics at the stake like Calvin did. Or maybe if someone stole his new Bow or Jack Johnson CD.
13.Is #11 your best friend? Lew is probably not my absolute best friend, but he sure is close. Lew is a great guy, honest as the day is long, and striving hard to serve the Lord.
14.Do you think #2 has a crush on you? NO! She is far too much in love with her hubby! I have a story to tell about Robin, and how much she loves her hubby, but I don't want to embarrass her too much.
15.Who does # 14 spend the most time with? Holly spends most of her time with her beau-hunk Glen. However it comes on great authority that she spends a lot of time with the Gilmore Girls as well.
16.What is the last thing you did with #1? In person? -- We drove 12+ hours to Fort Worth from Alabama. She tried to kiss me when we got home, but I told her that girls were gross, and I didn't do that kind of thing!
17.Have you ever been to #3's house? Garrett lives in Atlanta or Maryland right now, so no. But I did enter Garrett's dorm room once or twice. He's neat and clean
18.Would you ever kiss #5? Sarah is married, and hello a girl, see question 16.
19.How do you know #4? Madison and I go to school together, and have had classes together. He is far more intelligent than I.
20.Have you ever slept with #5? No
21.Do you think #6 is sexy? Oh dear goodness NOOOOOO! He's not just sexy, He's dead sexy baby yeah!
22.Have you ever liked #7? Yes
23.Where is the last place you went with #8? It has been a long time since Kristen and I have done anything together, but I think that we went out to eat at Billy Miner's.
24.Are you real close to #9? Unfortunately No
25.What kind of relationship do you have with #10? Unfortunately Emily and I only see each other once every blue moon.
26.Have you ever kissed #11? No, no way, no how, never
27.Have you ever been to the movies with #12? No, but I did go to England with her!
28Have you ever gotten in trouble with #13? Are there a lot of people in China? I don't think we've ever been caught though!
29.Would you ever make a move on #14? No, Holly is married.
30.What do you and #15 talk about the most? Ben has moved away from Seminary, so we don't talk often. However, when we do talk it is usually about a theological topic or how things are at his church.