Thursday, March 30, 2006

Soda - size me...

Well, I have decided to give up soft drinks again. First of all, the caffeine is bad for me. It makes me a fiend, searching all over my room for change so that I can have one hit of the good stuff from the machine downstairs.

Second, soft drinks are filled with calories. The average soft drink has 170-240 calories. I usually consumed 3-4 a day ammounting to 600-800 calories a day. On top of those facts, the ammount of sugar in a soft drink is enormous. My dad is diabetic, so I probably will be one day. So I have several reasons to kick the Coke habit.

However, as we know from previous posts on this blog; I am addicted to Cokes much as a Heroine addict is to his nectar. So, I have a plan. Just as the Heroine addict gets a shot of Methadone from time to time, I will have a shot of Diet Mountain Dew from time to time. It tastes good, has no sugar, yet has the caffeine I crave. Mind you, I will not have 3-4 a day, nor will I have even 1 a day. But when the cravings are too much, I'm going to drop a hit of the Dew.

I'm really writing this to warn my friends that I am crawling back up on the wagon again, so be prepared for the mood swings and twitching. I apologize in advance for being short with you all, and the nasty looks I will give you all over the next couple of weeks.

Maybe I should call the Super Size Me guy to do a documentary on my recovery from my soft drink induced stupor.


Ginny said...

That is one. big. mouth. Holy moley! Good luck with breaking free from your addictions, Chris!

Nicolas Gold said...


Madison said...

sounds like a plan.

Robino said...

Let me just say that I know what you are going through. When I drink an ice cold coke (especially fountain from like a sporting event - baseball games are best I think) the whole world just goes away and it is just me and that coke and happiness. I feel likewise for a good hot salty supersize fries from McD's. It is easier to resist when you stay at home with the kid, though. Perhaps in your future when you give up your rights as husband and father, it will be easier to kick the habit. But I will pray that it comes before then. And dude, I would be totally into seeing the documentary. Do you think the Super Size documentary will help me with my fry addiction? That salty goodness......ohhh I love it.

C. A. McKinney said...

Robin, Be prepared, if you watch Super Size Me; you will seriously look at your fast food eating habits.

dashadra said...

Hey I like the new is hotastic!!!

dashadra said...

update it!