Thursday, August 11, 2005

Check it out...

Hey gang, check this out. Carrie McDonnall's book is in the book stores. You will remember that Carrie is one of the missionaries who was attacked in Mosul, Irag last year. The book tells about her experiences serving the Lord in the Middle East, and her life with her deceased husband David. The book is great, full of stories about her and David, the fun and love they had for one another. Carrie also spends time explaining how they served the Lord together. Facing Terror is also heart wrenching in its description of the attack, and her recovery. I know that some of you have expressed interest in reading this book, so I wanted to let you know it is out and available for purchase.

1 comment:

Nicolas Gold said...


I saw the book in the bookstore last night. That quite shook me.

I saw your picture in there as well. You look good.
