Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Cowboy's game...

Bonnie and I went to the Cowboys v. Texans game Saturday night with some friends from work. We had a blast. The game was frought with penalties leading to the demise of the Houston Texans. If you ever want to know who is going to win a game, just ask me who I am rooting for, and the other team will win.

Here are some sights from the game.

The'Boys kick and extra point after scoring a touchdown.

Thanks Dennis and Toni for getting us the tickets, and driving us to the game. We had a blast. We'll have to do this again sometimes.

1 comment:

dashadra said...

The game was fun and I am sooo glad that I was able to experience a Cowboys game as my first NFL game. The next one I go to though will be muuuuchhh cooler as it was like a sauna in there this time.