Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My jealous mistress...

Hey gang, as you all too well know, school has started back with a vengeance. I am taking nine hours this semester, filled with two difficult classes, and one not so difficult class. Systematic Theology with Dr. Rupe McSwain will surely challenge and inspire me. This little beauty however will be consuming most of my time. This semester I am taking New Testament Greek with Dr. John Taylor. I am convinced that he is evil, though everyone else says he is a saint. It has been three years since I took my baby steps in Koine greek, and I am feeling the atrophy of un-use. So, if you are the praying type, and I know that most of you are; then rail the heavens for this ragamuffin. Please ask our Lord to be generous towards me with the gift of wisdom in how to translate Greek, or the grace to accept my F.

P.S. Did you see that Sarah & Terrell are moving to my hometown! I guess I'll see them around my hometown. (yeah, that's a line from the song I named this blog after!)

1 comment:

dashadra said...

You are in my prayers, press on!